
Vous Songez À Vendre Votre Entreprise?

  • Êtes-vous un propriétaire d'entreprise prospère qui cherche à vendre votre entreprise?
  • Êtes-vous fatigué et cherchez-vous une issue?
  • Savez-vous combien vaut votre entreprise et comment maximiser le prix?
  • Si vous envisagez de sortir, vous devriez commencer à préparer la vente dès maintenant
obtenez votre évaluation

Get a free online valuation

  • Are you a successful business owner looking to sell your company?
  • Are you tired and looking for an exit?
  • Do you know how much is your business worth and how to maximize the price?
  • If you’re thinking about exiting, you should start preparing the sale right now
get your valuation

How it Works?

Click on Free Valuation

Compile the form with all relevant missing information

Send the Form to our M&A Advisors

Our Team will contact you with in 24 hours

Think about selling your business

We would be more than happy to assist you in selling your company.

get your valuation

Why you should have a business valuation?

  • To better understand your business and its potential
  • When you plan to sell your business
  • To know the value of your largest asset in order to properly plan your retirement
  • During Buy/Sell Agreements with business partners
  • In order to ensure that your business and your family are properly protecte
  • When considering funding opportunities
  • To plan for the future of your business with a qualified succession plan
  • When you plan to buy a business
  • To prepare for taxable events such as gifting or grants

How much is your Business worth?

If you are thinking about selling your business, you will first need to get an idea of its worth. When you complete the our Business free business valuation form, your enquiry will be sent to Business Transfer Agents near your business location. They will then contact you to arrange a convenient time to visit and value your business.

Generally speaking, from 1 to 7 days after the business appraiser receives the requested information from the client. Requests for expedited service are considered on a case by case basis.

Our buyer search is tailored to each company. First, we develop a customized marketing strategy and campaign for your business. Next, we utilize several custom databases to identify strategic, financial and high net worth acquirers who are well suited to acquire a business such as yours. The pool of acquirers includes buyers who have approached us in the past and are now part of our qualified buyers database. We also network with other intermediaries and professionals through various organizations. Strategic acquirers are typically targeted and approached by direct mail or telephone. Other marketing methods may include newspaper advertising, trade publication advertising, and ads placed on high traffic M&A websites. All of the marketing is done discretely to protect your business interests.

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